Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Prince and Princess - Prom 2010

Last week Charlie and I went to pick up his tux for prom. I nearly cried when I saw him in it. My baby has grown up already, and he looked like he was ready for his wedding. Sniff, sniff, sob, sob...

His grin was as big as Texas, and you could tell he was having a flashback to the past.  I'm betting he never dreamed while growing up in the orphanage that his life would turn out like this, that he would someday be wearing a tux and going to a formal dance. 

So Thursday night arrived, and I drove out to Frederick to do the picture thing. When I arrived, his girlfriend wasn't there yet, but Charlie happily spent the next half hour dragging me from this group to that, having his picture taken with just about every kid in the courtyard. (And there were a LOT of kids in the courtyard!)

Then Harmony showed up. It was like the parting of the Red Sea. The crowd just kind of melted back to allow her through. She was stunning, absolutely exquisite.  When they all got done gaping, they mobbed her.

I had never met her in person before, just chatted with her for a couple of seconds on the videophone. She was just as sweet as she could be. And Charlie is obviously smitten, as you can see from his grin in the photos. I think the boy has pretty good taste in women!

After we got the picture-taking over with, Charlie fell in with a group of kids headed for the van that would whisk them all away to the prom. But after getting a few blocks down the sidewalk, he suddenly broke ranks, and came back to me, and said, "I'll see you later. Thanks! I love you."

It stunned me a little. We usually have to remind Charlie to thank someone for something, and although he will sometimes initiate hugs now, he isn't usually the one to say "I love you." Usually he will sign it back to me if I say it first. So I couldn't help but cry while I was watching him leave with his little princess, right?

They were the cutest couple at the prom. I swear it!  Would I lie to you?