Wednesday, February 8, 2006


What a letdown! After all of the back and forth messages with the health department (who had lost my paperwork--thank God I had made a copy and could re-fax it to them!), the inspection was finally set for yesterday. I spent the weekend, when I wasn't working, frantically scrubbing and cleaning. Even managed to drag Rick into doing some of it, too. Monday night, after I got home from college, we were both up late scrubbing and cleaning the last problem spots. When we were too tired to do any more, we called it quits. I figured if anything would flunk us, it would be the basement (which is a disaster area--looks like Katrina paid a visit) or the garage.

Rick swore he had cleaned his room, but I didn't have the energy to walk in there and check it, so I took his word for it.

So, Tuesday afternoon finally arrives, and the inspector shows up right on time. Young guy. Looks like he's almost Rick's age. He starts off with a few questions, and then does the walk-through of the house. The basement didn't faze him a bit. He never looked inside the garage. As he headed up the steps to the bedroom level, he sees the "Please do not disturb" sign on one of the bedroom doors and says, "That must be the 18-year-old's room, huh?" Right-O. He opens the door and steps inside one single step (from whence one can see absolutely nothing because Rick has his bookshelves lined up to create a hallway entry area to the room so that he can't be spied on from the outside hall). The guy stands in this narrow corridor, looks AT THE CEILING, and says, "Looks okay to me!" Turns around, shuts the door, and moves on to the next room.

He checked the water temperature, the fire extinguisher, asked a few more questions, and left. His only recommendation was to get a carbon monoxide detector. In total, the guy was there less than 20 minutes!

THIS is what I lost sleep over for a week????

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