Friday, February 23, 2007

Chinese Cooking

Okay, you can't tell ME this kid can't read English yet. I think he's just not lettin' on....

I took him to Borders bookshop tonight to get him some picture dictionaries and flash cards to help with vocabulary building. We had a great time looking at all the kid's books.

Then on the way out, I took a detour through the cookbook section. The selection of Chinese cookbooks at my local library was somewhat limited, and I didn't particularly care for what I had found. I'm rather particular about my cookbooks--I like to have a picture of nearly every dish in it.

Once I found the right section, Charlie realized very quickly what I was up to, and he started at the far end of the Chinese section from where I started, looking through every cookbook to see if his favorite recipes were in there.

He finally found the one he thought I should get and hands it to me open to a recipe that he was particularly excited about. I didn't particularly care for it, because it had nearly no pictures, and I shut it to stuff it under my arm so I could talk with my hands. As I started to explain to him, I realized that the color combination on the front of the book was very distinctive, and I looked down at it again.

No one understood why I was doubled over laughing in the middle of the cooking aisle at Borders.

I guess this is Charlie's way of protesting my cooking skills.

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