Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bring Norah Home

I'd like to introduce you to a young couple with big hearts. Meet Glen & Lori Cook. They are the new parents-to-be of a little three-year-old deaf girl with a heart condition in Kaifeng, China, and they are racing against time. They are supposed to go pick her up in March, but Glen ended up needing back surgery that wiped out a good portion of what they had saved for the adoption, and they are trying to put together nearly $9000 by March. Glen figures if he could find 1000 people/families each willing to donate $10, they will be able to make it.

I am remembering the kindness of all those who donated when I was in need in order to have Jen travel with me. Some small gifts, some large gifts, but it all added up to exactly what we needed by the time we needed it. I was so blessed and so touched that total strangers would be willing to help me like that, and look at the result--I have been blessed with a wonderful child, and Rick has been blessed with the brother he's always wanted.

If you'd like to read Glen and Lori's story and information about Norah, visit their blog at http://www.2china4norah.blogspot.com/.

If you're willing to help them out with a $10 gift (or more--that isn't a limit!), you can either mail it to them at Glen & Lori Cook, P.O. Box 1114, Cabot AR, 72023-1114, or you can use the secure donation widget here or on their blog.

I'm so tickled to have a chance to help out another adopting family the way people helped me out, and I want to see Norah make it into the arms of her mommy and daddy.

Think it over, but don't think too long. March is creeping up on them quickly!

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