Saturday, February 28, 2009

I hear you knocking....

So today Charlie and I are sitting at the table, reading a story. More accurately, he's reading to me. We do this as a supplement to whatever they're teaching him in school, because he just soaks up new vocabulary words from doing this. The real challenge is not whether he can identify all the words in the sentence, but whether he understands the sentence or paragraph once he has signed it.

So one sentence in today's story used the word "knock." I have an aversion to just giving him the sign for a word he doesn't know. I prefer to have him try to figure it out, whether through telling a story using the word, or pantomiming the concept. So, I gave him the situation of arriving at a friend's house to find the door closed. You want to get in. What do you do?

"Open the door and walk in."

Okay, let's re-think this....the door is locked. How do you get someone to unlock it and let you in?

"I take out my cell phone and text my friend, saying, 'Dude, open the door.'"

I think this is one time I'm justified in just giving him the sign for the word. Duh--Charlie's friends are all deaf. Why bother knocking???


fourlittlehawks said...

I love it! The kids are STILL knocking on bathroom and bedroom doors when it's just Eli in there. Hannah complains frequently that he's not answering her knock. In her defense, I've been known to yell up the stairs - "BOYS!" only to have Josh call down and remind me that only one of them can hear me.

Kimberly said...

What's really nuts is that Rick and I have gotten so used to flashing the lights, that we even do it on the nights Charlie is at the dorm...