Saturday, April 30, 2011

ERKC Trophy

Charlie competed in the Eastern Regional Karate Championships today.  He took a 2nd place trophy in kata and got wiped out in the first round on fighting.  He was disappointed in the fighting, not because he didn't win, but because it meant he was done after the first two minutes and couldn't fight any more. 

When we got out to the car, I said something about him needing a piece of furniture to keep all these trophies he has racked up in karate, and just how many do you have now, anyway?  (He keeps them squirreled away up in his room, so I never see them.)  I figured there must be 9 or so by now.

He thinks for a minute....18. 

Really?   18????

Wow!!!  He really DOES need a piece of furniture just for the trophies!

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