Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Explore Your Future!

Got a call at work today.  It was the transition counselor at school.  She wanted to let me know that she had just gotten Charlie's ACT scores, and that they apparently qualified him for a program at RIT/NTID this summer called Explore Your Future, where the kids get to experience different job fields like electrical engineering and robotics, and all kinds of cool stuff.  The only caveat?  The application paperwork was due the next day; we had to get this turned around very quickly.  Charlie's scores took them all totally by surprise, so he wasn't even on the radar for this program. 

The kicker?  DORS (Dept. of Rehab Services, a.k.a. Voc Rehab) was willing to pick up the $750 tab for the program.  It was free, all I had to do was get him to New York and back at the appropriate times. 

Would I let him go?  Could I turn the paperwork around quickly?  HELL YEAH!!!

They went and pulled him out of class to tell him about it, and he was excited, so I got started killing trees.  The stars were all in alignment, because the one form I couldn't get today was the doctor form, but his secretary promised she would have him fill it out as soon as he got out of clinic this afternoon and fax it to me so it would be there in the morning.  She actually sent me an e-mail later in the day, after I had already left work, to let me know he had signed off on it and she had faxed it over. 

God is definitely loving on Charlie these days.   

Now we just need to figure out all the logistics.  But he is going to really enjoy this summer! 

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