Monday, November 26, 2012

Big News on Oldest Son

Oldest Son has big news--NEW JOB!  He was talking to someone he met at a party a while back, and they started talking tech, and the next thing Rick knew, the guy was saying that his company was currently hiring and that if Rick got him a resume, he would make sure it got into the right hands.

He got called in for an interview a couple weeks after the resume was delivered, and the next thing he knew, he was being offered a job that was only 5 minutes from home (which means no more tunnel toll commute and a helluva lot less gas), slightly higher pay with an increase coming once he has finished training, and once he's fully qualified, the job will entail about 50% domestic travel with expenses and per diem paid.  Heck yeah, sign him up!!

He put in his 2-week notice, and starts the first of the month. 

Proud of that boy, landed that one completely on his own without anyone from the family pulling any strings for him. 

High hopes for that one...

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