Saturday, January 25, 2014

Preliminary Report

Today was a big day--the black belt prelim. Charlie has to pass the prelim in order to be allowed to take the full black belt test in February, so tonight he had to give them a taste of what he's got. 

Since about October, ChinaBoi has been going to karate classes nearly 5 nights a week.  He has to go around visiting different instructors in different cities to get feedback, and he needed to get signatures on his candidacy papers from five of the judges who are on the black belt panel, which means they are 3rd degree black belts or higher. 

He got his five signatures in time, and two of them were from sixth-degree black belts, so he was happy going into the test. 

He passed the prelim, and I was told afterwards that the vote was unanimous in his favor.  So now he has one more month of grueling classes and preparation and nail-biting. 

C'mon February.  We're ready for the suspense to be over with!

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