Thursday, June 11, 2015

Repeat performance

Wow!  ChinaBoi was feeling pretty pleased with himself last year for winning the SECU scholarship, but that was nothing compared to the fact that he won it again this year!  This year he had to do a video on the difference between banks and credit unions.  Here's the video.  I was really proud of how much he learned doing this, and what made it even better was that when I posted his video on Facebook, he got two really meaningful comments.  One was from a friend of mine who used to manage a bank and said that he thought ChinaBoi did a really good job illustrating the differences.  The other was from a Deaf friend who said she never realized there was a difference and learned a lot from watching his video.  

Looks like SECU is passing on financial education to the Deaf community indirectly through ChinaBoi.  

They had a really nice ceremony and said they're looking forward to next year. 

So are WE!!  

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