Monday, July 31, 2006

Small Setback, but More Pics

Got a tiny setback today. The agency called to say the box of dossiers that they sent out came back to them last Monday because the CCAA (China Central Adoption Authority) had moved, and the postal service there did not forward the box to the new address. So they turned around same day and sent them back again. That will set us back by about 2 weeks. Looks like my DTC date is now 7/24 instead of 6/27. That "September or October" travel time frame is looking more like October at this point. Patience, patience.....I can deal with this. In the grand scheme of things, it's just a very minor setback. (This is what I keep telling myself so I don't start pacing the floor!)

On the happy side, I joined a new Yahoo group that I found for families adopting specifically from the Xuzhou Social Welfare Institute, and it turns out that at least one of the ladies on that board had some pictures of XiaoTian that were taken by someone who visited the orphanage. She forwarded them on to me. (I'm not allowed to post them, though.) These are much more current than the pix of him I got from the agency (those were from Oct of 2004), so his face has filled out and matured a little now. I think he's a very handsome lad. And he's smiling in every single photo! Aren't I a lucky mom, to be getting such a happy-looking kid?

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