Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cast Away

Charlie's cast came off this afternoon, and not a minute too soon. He was doing great with it for the past 3 weeks or thereabouts, never complained. Then on Sunday, we were sitting in Sunday school gabbing with some other folks before the leader started the lesson, and a lady whom we'll call Cindy ('cause it's her real name!) asked him if it itched. He signed back, "Just a little bit." She leans forward like she's about to tell him a secret, and signed, "You know why it itches, right? That's because there's little bugs in there crawling around...."

His eyes got big, but only for a second. He KNEW she was puttin' him on. Nonetheless, the power of suggestion had taken hold. That cast started driving him nuts. Poor kid was miserable for the next 3 days, and he was so happy when Wednesday rolled around. They took that cast off and he immediately started rubbing his arm. Of course, this raised little bits of skin, so he gets his face down there real close to inspect, then looks up at me, signs "BUGS!" with his good hand, and flies outta the room to a deep sink he saw in the hallway where he can wash off his arm, leaving the doc sitting there with his jaw on the floor.

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