Monday, October 30, 2006

Letter #7 - Thinking for himself

The background here is that XiaoTian's previous note included the sentence "I don't like baba" after he said he loved mama and gege, because he automatically assumed because I was divorced that baba was a bad person. (I edited that out because I didn't want my former husband's feelings hurt.) So I explained to him that Rick's baba was actually still a good friend to us and, in fact, helps us a lot with things that mama can't do, like get Xiao Tian's bedroom furniture moved up to his bedroom. I also told him that it was important to form his own opinions about people and not decide to like or dislike someone based on whether mama likes that person or not, to think about how that person treats him and makes him feel inside. So now, what he wrote below should make more sense. (I also asked if he wanted to go with me on a tour of Beijing during our adoption trip, hence his statement about that.)

Dear mama,

It is important that I will have my own opinion, I will see if I like a person or not, like mama told me, from their smiling faces, I will be happy. I learned some ASL by myself already, thank you mama for teaching me more ASL and English. I've never been to Beijing before.

Xu xiaotian

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