Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Century Club

Meet the newest member of the Century Club--those of us who have waited over 100 days for their Travel Approval (TA). I was dragged in kicking and screaming. This is one club I really didn't want to join.

I know Xiao Tian has to be wondering what the heck is taking so long, why mama hasn't shown up yet, since they pulled him out of school over a month ago. The kids just don't have any clue how much paperwork is involved and how many stops it all has to make before moving on to the next person. Frankly, we adults don't really have any clue either. It's just inconceivable to most of us who are adopting why it takes so long for an application that has already been approved to get a little stamp and a signature on it saying it's okay for this person to come over and pick up the child.

Gosh, does this mean I can now be called a centenarian? Just what I need--another old-age crack for my 19-year-old son to use on me.

Feeling a little weary from the wait.

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