Monday, November 13, 2006

Raising Funds for Jen's Ticket

I got a note from Jen last night that of the estimated $1500 we will need for her airfare, we are down to only needing $525 more. Isn't that incredible? So many people have been so generous to make this happen for us. I wanted to put the information on the blog just in case anyone reading wanted to jump in. She figured out how to receive funds via PayPal, so the address to send a donation that way would be If you wanted to send a check, it should go to Jen at the following address:

Jennifer Hawkins
6845 Ashley Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80922

We aren't giving any guidelines on amounts. There have been a few large gifts, and the many, many small ones are adding up quickly. Every tiny bit gets us that much closer to this becoming a reality.

I'm rather overwhelmed with how this has all come together so quickly. Now if only the TA would show up soon! Gotta get that boy home.

My love and thanks to everyone who has helped out in this. And especially to Jen, for volunteering her time and energy for this trip. She is so willing to do absolutely anything for us so that I'm free to spend my time working with my son and teaching him ASL. I will be forever indebted to her for stepping out in faith as she has to make this happen. She is truly an inspiration.

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